Yesterday the Indianelectioncommission announced the dates of the coming polls, effectively starting the real campaign for power.
And factory production INIP=ECI grew for the third straight month in June.
The Fed targets the federal funds rate USFOMC=ECI to conduct monetary policy.
The first GDP growth estimate EUGDF=ECI for the first quarter is due on Thursday.
Thailand's monetary policy committee has cut the benchmark interest rates THCBIR=ECI at its last two meetings.
Mexico posted a $712 million trade surplus MXTBLS=ECI in October when adjusted for seasonal swings.
Uso de election commission of india em inglês
The ElectionCommissionofIndia (ECI), an autonomous constitutional body, oversees the election with more than 300 full-time officials at its headquarters in New Delhi.
Women make up nearly half of all voters in the country of 1.3 billion people, according to the ElectionCommissionofIndia.
Women make up nearly half of all voters in this country of 1.3 billion people, according to the ElectionCommissionofIndia.
Guidelines from the ElectionCommissionofIndia (ECI) state that no voter should be more than 2 km (1.24 miles) from a polling station.